Working Steps of Enstella Windows Contact Recovery Software

Working Procedure of Windows Contact Recovery Tool

Step-by-step Enstella Windows Contact Recovery Software Working & See how its working and Recover Windows Contact

Enstella Windows Contact Recovery tool is the best Windows Contact Converter program which efficiently convert Windows Contacts into create separate PST, MSG, vCard, HTML and TXT format.

Launch Enstella Windows Contact Recovery Software (Go toStart ->Programs ->Enstella Windows Contact Recovery-> Enstella Windows Contact Recovery).

Just follow the following instructions step by step to Windows Contact Recovery

Click on Open button.

After clicking on Open button, following window will appears on your screen.

Either click on browse button or Auto Detect button to select the file

After Scanning get the preview of Windows contact list:

After getting preview, just click on save button to save your contacts:

Now Select the formats (PST) to save your Windows contacts file:

Select the Output file location where you wish to save the newly Windows contacts list.

Click on OK button

After Selecting the saving location path, software look as below, Then click on Save button.

The software will start saving the windows contact list at the desired location: :

After complete saving, software show you confirmation message as below screen-


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