Working Steps of Enstella EML to MBOX Converter Software

Working Procedure of EML to MBOX Converter Tool

Step-by-step Enstella EML to MBOX Converter Software Working & See how its working and Convert EML File to MBOX File

Enstella EML to MBOX Converter program which efficiently Convert multiple EML File into MBOX File.

Launch Enstella EML to MBOX Converter Software (Go to Start -> Programs ->Enstella EML to MBOX Converter -> Enstella EML to MBOX Converter).

Just follow the following instructions step by step to Convert EML to MBOX

Click on Browse button

Select the EML File. and click the OK button.

After clicking on this button, following window will appears on your screen.

Select the folder from the Left Pane and perview the recovered EML Files

Select the folder from the Left Pane and click the Export button to proceed with saving the recovered items.

Click the Browse button, and select the saving location path.

Select the Output file location where you wish to save the newly created email file, then software looks like as-

Select the Radio option to Process All EML Files or Message Save Between Dates or Message Skip Between Dates.

Start the EML to MBOX Conversion process-

After complete saving, software show you confirmation message as below screen-


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